Competitive Programming Committee

The Competitive Programming Committee shares a passion for problem-solving and algorithmic puzzles. They participate in local and international programming contests, and try to beat all others with their skills.

What we do

The goal of the CPC is to train the students of ETH Zurich for national and international programming competitions. Specifically, they organize the Local Contest for the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) , host a fun competitive programming contest, hold weekly meetings at CAB, and travel to Lausanne to compete in the Helvetic Coding Contest.

The International Collegiate Programming Contest

ICPC is a worldwide programming contest for universities every year. The contest consists of four layers: A Local Contest, a Regional Contest, a Continental Contest and the World Finals. The Local Contests, which take place separately at each participating university, determine the team that may represent the respective university. The CPC organizes the participation in the ICPC with support of the Computer Science Department and Prof Dennis Komm. Don't forget to visit our blog at


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